Forgiveness Creates a World Where We Live as ONE with ALL


“Harboring resentment is like drinking poison, expecting it will kill your enemies.”
~ Nelson Mandela

Our Mission

The mission of Forgiveness Healing For Humanity is to bring the healing power of forgiveness into the awareness of everyone on a worldwide basis. By providing the teachings and tools that resolve anger, depression, fear, grief, and guilt, individuals learn how to love and accept themselves and all others. As each person heals their inner world of pain and consciously chooses to be compassionate, loving, forgiving, and kind each day, health, peace, and harmony will be achieved in the individual and in our world.

We’re Glad You’re Here

We congratulate you for finding your way here for it means you seek the answers of how to live your life based on the principles of forgiveness and love.  At Forgiveness Healing, we want to help you understand why it is imperative to forgive, right now!   Knowing we need to forgive and being able to forgive are two entirely different matters.  We have a unique and very effective approach that will resolve your forgiveness issues once and for all.

Why Is Forgiveness Important?

Forgiveness is important because it SAVES LIVES and simply sets us free in a way nothing else can. It heals our hearts, our mind, our body, and our soul. It heals our relationships with ourselves and others. I don’t know of a medication that can do that, do you?

Continuing to carry yesterday’s hurts with you will hurt you far more than anyone else.  When we harbor resentment towards another or ourselves, it festers in our bodies and can cause a multitude of problems, including chronic and even terminal conditions.  Studies now show that the lack of forgiveness has a measurable impact on our bodies. Anger creates acid in the body. However, guilt, blame, shame, or humiliation is equivalent to taking acid on steroids! Dis-ease can only live in an acid environment.  Traumatic emotional issues can literally eat away at your body.  So it’s not only what you are eating that’s contributing to dis-ease…it’s what is eating YOU!

People with a variety of illnesses have had symptoms lessen, and even disappear when they learned to forgive.  Forgiveness of yourself and others is the ONLY way to release us from a painful past.  Even though trauma occurred in your past, does not mean you have to suffer the consequences of it from that moment on.  Forgiveness Healing™ gives you the tools that empower YOU to choose a different future!

What Forgiveness Is and Is Not


– Is the last hurdle we must overcome to achieve unconditional love and acceptance for ourselves and all others
– Frees you from a painful past
– Is a prescription for happiness
– Removes the decision to continue to suffer
– Makes you the hero, and the victim no longer
– Can improve your physical and emotional health and well-being
– Means extending your love to everyone

Forgiveness Does Not

– Mean you agree with the act
– Mean you condone their outrageous behavior
– Justify what has been done
– Mean you have to reconcile with them
– Mean you forgot what happened
– Change the past, but it can make your future much healthier, happier, and brighter

If you seek help achieving forgiveness: