Addiction & Dependency
Did you know?
There is a stronger link between childhood trauma and addiction than there is between obesity and diabetes. Two-thirds of those with dependency issues report being abused as children. That means that the war on drugs is a war on traumatized people that just need help.
If you are dealing with a dependency issue, please know this. You are not broken, and you do not need to be “fixed.” You have become dependent on substances or addictive behavior to cope with underlying conditions. With the right tools…you will heal whatever it is that has led you to abuse yourself, at which time your dependency will cease completely and forever.
Traditional approaches treat the symptom, not the root cause. The cause of ALL pain stems from hostility and fear. Anger at others, ourselves, the world, God, or a past we cannot change. Fear of not being loved, not being accepted, not being wanted, needed, or heard. In truth, our biggest dis-ease of all is lack of love.
“Once an addict, always an addict” is not a statement I resonate with. I know AA/NA/GA do not share my view on this, however, repeatedly labeling and identifying oneself with something so negative, can cause further damages to one’s core. Taking responsibility for one’s behavior and actions are critical, however, this is best achieved by identifying with life-enhancing tools and health expanding words, rather than those that diminish your power and reinforce dis-ease.
Self-medicating to numb the pain is never the answer. No drug, alcohol, or behavior will ever take the place of the love each of us requires. There is one road to healing…and only ONE.
Information does not lead to transformation. Resolving dependency is a process that needs the proper tools. Utilizing various energy psychology healing modalities, I assist you in uncovering the pain that drives you to use and abuse, so we may heal it from point of inception and uproot the whole tree instead of cutting off individual branches.
We’ve all sinned (missed the mark of being Perfect Love) on numerous occasions. Please STOP punishing yourself for a past you cannot change. You can choose a new path…whenever you are ready. No one can heal you but you. Though your family may have tried to show you the love and support you need, for whatever reason, you didn’t feel understood, heard, or accepted. Understand this: your loved ones are afraid for you and aren’t equipped to guide you out of the darkness. No one is to blame here. Not you or your support system. Unhealed traumatic events were the catalyst that drove you to misuse drugs/alcohol/food or behavior that you used to escape the pain. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Love yourself enough to decide today is the day to reclaim your life.
If the above resonates with you, reach out and let the healing begin.