Removing Your Barriers to Love

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I receive letters from all over the world and a common question I receive is “How can I attract more love in my life?”  They tell me how lonely they are, that they have all this love to give but no one to share it with.  Most are quick to point out that they are a genuinely good, loving person, and are loyal, trustworthy, etc.  In closing, they ask defeatedly, “Will I ever find love, or is it too late for me?”

What I’ve learned in doing this work for well over a decade is what we experience in the outer world is a direct reflection of what we are experiencing in our inner world.  Therefore, if what I’m feeling is a lack of love coming from “out there,” that is a direct indication that I’m not feeling love for myself “in here.”  

This “mirror effect” is a wonderful tool that reveals what is hidden from our conscious awareness.   The ego is very clever and wants to keep us believing something or someone other than ourselves is to blame for circumstances in our life.  However, until we take full responsibility for what is occurring in our life, nothing will change.  Furthermore, when we understand that everything that we’re experiencing is there for our ultimate benefit and growth, (even those dark and lonely times), we can embrace the mirror and learn from it so love will no longer elude us.

Look within for ways you may be sabotaging love in your life.  Search your heart and see where you need to apply forgiveness for without forgiveness, there is no love.  Do you have feelings of unworthiness?  Are you worried you will be hurt again?  Unhealed wounds from the past, whether you are conscious of them or not, are blocking you from receiving all the love you desire.  Forgiveness opens the flow of love between your heart and all others.

If you are feeling lonely and unloved, these 6 steps will help you show yourself more love.  Apply daily:  

1) Decide to accept yourself for who you are, right here, right now at this moment. 

2) Know we are all works in progress.  Every day, aspire to be the best version of yourself you can be.   That doesn’t mean you aren’t “good enough” today.

3) When you look in the mirror first thing in the morning, look for one thing you like about yourself and say, “I love my ________.”

4) Tell yourself the same loving and kind words you would say to a dear friend.

5) ALL self-criticism must cease. Stop being critical of yourself in any way.  

6) Smile more…it releases hormones in the brain that elevate your state of being, instantly.

Forgiveness is canceling out a “no longer needed” false belief that doesn’t serve you in any way.  It is the one size fits all remedy that will bring more love into your life than anything you could possibly do.  

As you start showing more love to yourself you will begin feeling more confident, happy, and out-going.  This elevated feeling changes the frequency you are emitting.  With this change of frequency, you will attract people, opportunities, and situations that were unavailable to you at the lower “unhappy” frequency.  

The bottom line is, when you love YOU, others will too!


Do Not Fall Prey to Self-Betrayal