The Frequency of Love
Everything in the Universe (including you and me) is energy. All energy is in constant motion, forever changing form. What makes energy move and change is sound, be it audible or inaudible.
The topic of sound is one of my favorites to write about for without sound, nothing would exist. God literally spoke the universe into being when in the beginning He said the words, “Let there be Light.” The sound domain created the light domain and everything in it. Every living thing is in existence due to sound, also known as frequencies. Energy doesn’t move itself…sound is required to create a mechanical way to transport energy from one place to another. Sound travels by particles bumping into each other as they vibrate. It is a little like a relay race where each runner runs up to and distributes information to the runner in front of it. This is how information and all frequencies, such as Love, travel.
Energy in motion, otherwise known as e-motion, is what is responsible for the feelings you feel and for the reality you are experiencing. Whether conscious of it or not, you direct this energy through your thoughts. Please read the next four lines slowly, allowing your mind to grasp the depth and power of their meaning.
Your thoughts create an inaudible sound…
that creates a frequency…
that creates matter…
that creates your physical world.
Do you realize the immense power you possess? How you are truly co-creating the world with every other living thing by the frequency you are putting forth?
Certainly, you have noticed how alive you feel when you do things you love to do, speak or hear loving words, or listen to music that stirs your soul. All your senses such as taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound are involved in creating frequencies for the feeling that arises in you sets your world in motion. You instantaneously feel better when engaging in things you love because you are tuned into the frequency of Love. You can’t help but feel good for it was how your physiology was designed. All sound, whether audible or not registers deep within your cells. The frequencies we expose ourselves to create geometrical shapes within our bodies that are real enough even if we cannot see them. The vibratory energy of all that we experience harmonizes with us or does not. This is why when we listen to inharmonious music or have a destructive conversation, the order that was established deep within our cells is disturbed causing dis-ease and chaos in our bodies and our lives. Every time we think hurtful thoughts about ourselves or others or dwell on negative events, we are setting frequencies into motion that compromise us and everyone else. Our thoughts do not fall on us…we allow them, consciously or unconsciously. The frequencies you bring about through thoughts you are thinking every second of every day, either support and enhance all life or destroy life. I say “all life” because every bit of information we contribute to the field affects each and every living thing. The higher frequency we emit by our thoughts and actions, the more we elevate and positively contribute to the collective consciousness on the planet.
Love is the very essence of our existence. It is the only substance that exists, forming all things. We may value many things but in truth, could there be greater wealth or superior knowledge than understanding and applying the Frequency of Love, frequently?
It has been said that each person operating at the frequency of love can elevate the consciousness of over 700,000 other people operating at lower frequencies. Even if they’re off by a few thousand, could there be a more effective way to serve humanity by doing nothing other than being loving and kind?
Just as you would program a favorite radio station into the dial, tune in to the frequency of love every day and you are guaranteed to enjoy the ride!