A broken heart is very real and can last a lifetime. Left unresolved, these unhealed traumas can lead to dis-ease in the body, mind, and spirit. One cannot heal a wounded heart with the mind; nor can it be healed with medication.
Heart Over Mind, Over Matter…
Pamela’s approach to identifying and clearing the root cause of dis-ease is unique. She believes we must get “out of their mind” to heal for therein lies the problem. As Albert Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” So how does one expect to heal the mind with the mind, when it’s the mind’s perspective that created an issue with ‘what is’? The Forgiveness Healing Process™ is a unique heart-based approach, utilizing heart over mind to direct heart-mind coherence.
The mind is like a computer and the heart is the programmer. Traditional counseling can take many months and years to bring about the desired change. Some events may never heal fully with cognitive behavioral therapy, as it is impossible to understand in the mind no matter how much time one devotes. I’ve had clients who’ve spent years and even decades in traditional therapy yet never addressed what we uncovered in our first session. When working with critically or terminally ill patients time is of the essence, so speed and thoroughness in getting at the pathology of dis-ease are critical for healing to occur.
In essence, we are all victims of victims…until we are no longer. The majority of forgiveness work typically involves those closest to us…a parent, sibling, spouse/lover, or other trusted individual. Because you weren’t loved the way you wanted or needed doesn’t mean you are unlovable. Believing you’re unlovable is a construct of the ego that keeps us suffering. Being hurt by someone who did not know how to love you properly wasn’t intentional on their part. How can someone show you love when they never experienced it themselves? My hope is we’ll all become more compassionate toward others and ourselves when we consider that most of us on the planet are wounded 8-year-olds walking around in adult clothes. We are ALL works in progress. Please be open to this possibility…
Broken heart syndrome is real. If you’re dealing with a broken heart, grief, abandonment, or deep sadness, please reach out. Healing is closer than you think. If you’ve tried other approaches without success, you owe it to yourself to look into healing your life with forgiveness and love. Consultations are free so you have nothing to lose but your pain.
Choosing Happiness
You want happiness, you want peace, but HOW do you get there?
1. FORGIVE from your HEART, not from your head. The egoic mind will forever keep you a prisoner and will never heal you.
2. Stop being critical of yourself and others from this moment forward. This causes feelings of separation
3. Remove ALL judgments on how you, and others “should” be.
4. Lose ALL labels. Christian/Jew/Muslim, Gay/Straight, Black/White. Labels create separation from others, which leads to dis-ease as Union/Love is our ONLY natural, healthy state.
5. Saying “I can forgive but I can’t forget” is like being a little bit pregnant. Partial forgiveness leads to partial healing and the truth is, you’ve not truly forgiven. 6. Forgive yourself and everyone for everything. You will never be free until you do.
7. Be grateful, truly grateful for each and every blessing in your life! When you are grateful, more things to be grateful for come your way almost magically!
8. Compassion – Unconditional love ~ loving and accepting yourself and others for who we are, where we are at this moment, can heal not only you but the world too.