It is Pamela’s philosophy that each and every one of us has a reason, purpose, and significance for being here at this time. There are no accidents, only a divine orchestration of events. The core philosophy Pamela adheres to is everything that happens to us in life is for no other reason than to grow and evolve the Soul, to bring us closer to a true experience of Perfect Love.
The vast majority of us are born healthy, happy, loving, and forgiving children. This is our natural state of pure health. Our natural state of health is always within us…though it often gets covered up by unresolved, unhealed events. One’s peace, health, and well-being can be seriously compromised through unhealthy beliefs and identifications, however, when a shift in perception occurs, health is often restored. This is what transformative healing is all about.
When one aligns with the call of the heart, life works. When one is off course, the road gets very bumpy. Pain and upset is the body’s way of communicating with us, to let us know we are off track. The longer we ignore or justify an unhealthy or destructive course, the further we get away from health, peace, joy, and love. What must be understood is that when you compromise yourself in any way, this self-betrayal starts eating away at your peace and well-being, leading to dis-ease in body, mind, and soul. The good news is, regardless of how long one has been off path, the moment we align with our unique purpose, the road smooths out and life begins to flow with ease.
This page would be incomplete if I didn’t address the issue of being of service. In the majority of sessions, my client will often mention the need to want to give back, to make a difference in the world. It seems there is an innate nudge within many of us to leave this planet better than we found it. For most, a life well-lived life includes acts of service, for there is no richer reward, nor greater feeling of fulfillment than knowing you made a difference in the quality of the life of another. All acts of service, even those that may seem small are significant for every piece of the puzzle counts.
Listen to that quiet voice in your heart that is guiding you, and you’ll uncover your unique note to play in the symphony of the Universe. When we ignore, reject, or rationalize the calling, we bring about our demise. When we honor our gift and our true self, we will surely THRIVE!.
We are ALL divine beings of Love. When we choose to view the world through the lens of love, LOVE is what we see.